
Zero Footprint

BillTrackPro is a hosted solution. This means that there is no new hardware or software to keep in-house, freeing your staff from learning, monitoring and updating a new technology.

Furthermore, there's no extra software to install on users' computers, since BillTrackPro is accessed exclusively through a web browser. So every update is automatically available to everyone.

Centralized Management

With BillTrackPro, there is no more paper to keep track of. Invoices can't be misplaced or improperly routed. And with automatic reminders and escalations being sent out by e-mail, pending items can't be forgotten about.

At all times, managers and administrators can find out the status of an invoice and who is currently responsible for it, just by logging in and searching the database. They can even generate PDF reports of activity for offline review or budgeting analysis.

Vendors can also log in to BillTrackPro after they've submitted an invoice, to see its status and read any notes sent back by attorneys. Your accounting department won't have to answer those calls anymore.


All communication between a user's web browser and the BillTrackPro application is encrypted with SSL certificates. The entire site is password-protected for all users of the application – vendors, attorneys, managers and administrators.

All communication between BillTrackPro and your existing financial system is sent through an encrypted VPN tunnel. We work with your IT staff to ensure that only the most minimal, essential permissions are enabled to handle the relevant data.

Finally, all transactions involved in invoice processing are audited and time-stamped, giving administrators full visibility on activity in the system.

Standards Compliance

BillTrackPro uses the latest standards to ensure that all modern, compliant browsers can access the application from anywhere in the world. Your vendors and your firm can use whichever browser they prefer, on any operating system.

BillTrackPro is built entirely with HTML5 and JavaScript, so there is no need for any browser plugins, eliminating any potential security vulnerabilities they may have.

billtrackpro - the solution. Discover the benefits for your firm. Schedule a demo today.

designed and developed by a team of leading web-app developers and senior law firm management

a Wooster Group offering, © 2008-2025